论文题目 第一作者 刊物名称
Surface creep and slip-behavior segmentation along the northwestern Xianshuihe fault zone of southwestern China determined from decades of fault-crossing short-baseline and short-level surveys 张晶 Tectonophysics
A rapid UAV image georeference algorithm developed for emergency response 王书民 Journal of sensors
First principles calculation of the nonhydrostatic effects on structure and Raman frequency of 3C-SiC 刘雷 Scientific Reports
三维散射系数结构揭示的龙滩库区水的渗透特征 王勤彩 地球物理学报
Contribution of coseismic deformations on the current expansion of the Earth 徐长仪 Journal of Geodynamics
Coseismic Deformation of the 2010 Mw 6.9 Yushu Earthquake Derived from GPS Data 孟国杰 Seismological Research Letters
基于无人机影像的九寨沟地震建筑物震害定量评估 袁小祥 中国地震
2016年1月21日青海门源6.4级地震的发震机制探讨 胡朝忠 地球物理学报
滇西牟定—香格里拉电性剖面及深部构造 李文军 地球物理学报
The anisotropic structure in the curst in the northern part of North China from ambient seismic noise tomograph 付媛媛 Geophys. J. Int
Coseismic changes of gravitational potential energy induced by global earthquakes based on spherical-Earth elastic dislocation theory 徐长仪 Journal of Geophysical Research:Solid Earth
Origin of intraplate volcanism in northeast China from Love wave constraints 付媛媛 Journal of Geophysical Research:Solid Earth
基于牛栏江宽谷面的变形讨论莲峰、昭通断裂带第四纪活动特征 张伟恒,李文巧(通讯作者) 地震
芦山地震前地震活动分析及区域地震活动水平参数IRTL的应用 刘月 地学前缘
The structure and elasticity of phase B silicates under high pressure by first principles simulation 刘雷 Chin. Phys. B
Vignetting correction of post-earthquake uav images 袁小祥 IGARSS2018
川西地区实测自由空气重力异常与EGM2008模型结果的差异 付广裕 地球物理学报
花岗岩水岩反应中水化学变化实验研究 杨思宇 易丽 地震
The M5.0 suining-Tongnan(china)earthquake of 31 January 2010:A destructive earthquake occurring in sedimentary cover 罗燕 china sclence bulletin
中国大陆中东部地区基于背景噪声的瑞丽波层析成像 郑 现 地球物理学报