Wu Lijun

Wu Lijun(L. J. Wu)


Tel:86-10 89748354


B.B.A. Land Resource Management, Hunan Normal University,Changsha (2008)

B. Sc. Geophysics,Institute of Disaster Prevention(2011)

M.A. Constitutional and Administrative Law,Party School of the CPC Beijing Committee, Beijing (2017)


Senior Engineer,Institute of Earthquake Forecasting,China Seismological Bureau, Beijing(2017~)

Positions Held:

Professional Memberships and Honors: 

Professional Service:

Selected Publications:

Wu,L.J.,Chen,Z.W,Li,H.G.,et al,2015.Abnormal Phenomena of Body Strain before Large Earthquakes.Technology for Earthquake Disaster Prevention,10(1):151~162.

Wu,L.J.,Feng,Q.S. and Z.B.,2016.The Statistical Relationship between the Maxinum Amplitude of the Body Strain Record and the Surface-wave Magnitude,Epicenter Distance.Technology for Earthquake Disaster Prevention,11(3):592~599.