论文题目 第一作者 刊物名称
辽宁省地震监测站地下水化学类型及成因分析 孙凤霞 地震学报
Na2CO3的高压拉曼光谱研究 徐超文 光谱学与光谱分析
Sound velocities of Al-bearing phase D to 22 GPa and 1300 K 徐超文 Geophysical Research Letters
Changes in Atmospheric, Meteorological, and Ocean Parameters Associated with the 12 January 2020 Taal Volcanic Eruption. 荆凤 remote sensing
Microwave Brightness Temperature Characteristics of Three Strong Earthquakes in Sichuan Province, China. 荆凤 IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing
Adsorption behavior of CO2?in magnesite micro-pores at high temperature and pressure 杨龙星 Geoscience Frontiers
First-principles calculation of the mechanical properties of quartz under non-hydrostatic stress 刘雷 Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors
ULF Wave Activity Observed in the Nighttime Ionosphere Above and Some Hours Before Strong Earthquakes 欧阳新艳 Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics
three-dimensional variations of Carbon monoxide concentration associated with Wenchuan earthquake based on AIRs data 崔月菊 IEEE
The characteristics of terdiurnal tides in the ionosphere 刘静 Astrophys Space Sci
郯庐断裂带南段大地电磁主轴方位统计分析及其意义 崔腾发 地球物理学进展
全卷积神经网络在建筑物震害遥感提取中的应用研究 陈梦 震灾防御技术
基于光学与SAR影像的老挝溃坝洪涝灾害监测与评估 吴效勇 灾害学
川滇地震科学实验场地震目录最小完整性震级分析 史翔宇 地球物理学报
Rupture propagation along stepovers of strike-slip faults: Effects of initial stress and fault geometry 王辉 Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America
The Spatial Distribution and Attribute Parameter Statistics of Landslides Triggered by the May 12th , 2008, MW7.9 Wenchuan Earthquake 杜朋 Earthquake Research in China
1718 年通渭 M7. 5 地震滑坡特征分析——黄土高原历史强震触发滑坡数据库的应用 徐岳仁 地球物理学报
Landslide characteristics in the Loess Plateau, northern China 徐岳仁 Geomorphology
Landslides of the 1920 Haiyuan earthquake, northern China 徐岳仁 Landslides
Low resolution remote sensing image processing and productions development for earthquake disaster monitoring application 王书民 IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science